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Air Carrier Certification | ![]() |
The following letters and forms should be completed as early in the process as possible so that the appropriate FAA resources can be engaged in a timely manner.
Formal Request Letter: This is a formal request letter and should include the following information:
Aircraft Registration (US registration required)
Aircraft Serial Number
Number of Passenger Seats
Owner of the Aircraft
Schedule of Events.
Aircraft Conformity Checklist: The aircraft conformity checklist must be completed in full and submitted to the FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector.
Environmental Impact Study Worksheet: This worksheet is about three pages, is simple, and should also be submitted as soon as possible.
Forms – OST 4507: The DOT form 298 / OST Form 4507 should be submitted to the Department of Transportation.
The submission should be made (a) in duplicate, (b) 30 days prior to operating, and (c) include the following:
Completed Form 4507
Insurance Form 6410 (completed by insurance company).
D.2 Manual Submission
Minimum Equipment List (MEL): The MEL, Non-Essential Equipment and Furnishings (NEF), and the
Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Procedures must be documented and submitted.
The MEL needs to comply with the most recent Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).
It must include the MMEL Policy Letters applicable to the aircraft.
The MEL must include a correct value for number of each item(s) installed.
MEL procedures must be specific and cannot include the phrase “as required by CFR.”
O&M procedures must be compliant with the manufacturer’s and the FAA’s procedures.
The MEL must be consistent with other Company manuals and the MMEL regarding formatting.
The MEL shall contain required changes of the RVSM as stated in the MMEL
Training Program:
To get a training program added to A-031 the following topics must be addressed.
Company Check Airmen (must be maintained in the USAC Airways 696 LLC pilot records):
Initial and recurrent instructor ground school records
Observation of conducting a 135 check ride by our POI
Letter of Authorization from our POI.
Contract Check Airmen (must be maintained in the airman’s file and submitted to POI):
Instructor or Check Airman Name
Airman and Medical Certificate
Prerequisite Experience, e.g., Resume
Initial and recurrent instructor ground school records
Initial and recurrent aircraft specific ground and simulator training records
Written test results for the aircraft curriculum and maneuvers
Check rides compliant with 135.339 and 135.340
Security awareness training certificate
General subjects initial and recurrent training record
Record of Line Operational Ground School (LOS-GS)
Record of Line Operational Simulation (LOS-SIM)
Record of Line Operational Airplane (LOS-Airplane)
Certificate of Designation.
The following records must be maintained, and recurrent due dates must be tracked:
Letter of Authorization from the POI
Letter of Authorization from the Contract Training Facility FAA POI
Line Observation Record
Aircraft Specific Training Record
Checks as per 135.339 and 135.340
PIC Proficiency.
Contract Training – Provide documentation and records showing compliance with:
The Ops Specs, and Company training manual.
Proposed contract training, testing, and checking to include:
Briefing Rooms
Building Floor Plans
Simulator Operations Limitations
Qualified Crewmembers
Crew Pairing
Crewmember Completion and Graduation
Recordkeeping System
Contract Instructor and Check Airman Records
Electronic Records System and Electronic Signature
Simulator and Pre-flight Inspection Authorization
Simulator Operations with Inoperative Components
Drug and Alcohol Abatement Program
Training Center Certificate
Source of Training Document.
Has adequate facilities, equipment, competent personnel, and an adequate organizational structure.
Procedures to detect, identify, and implement timely corrective action for all deficiencies detected.
Records showing each applicable contract instructor and contract check pilot is current and qualified.
Conduct a standardization review and provide the results to the Principal Operations Inspector.
Conduct an initial and recurring audit of the training facility.
The application for approval to outsource training must contain the following information:
A copy of the standardization review.
A detailed outline, by regulatory reference, of the training elements proposed to be outsourced;
Additional data must be provided.
Pilot Records: Pilot resumes must be submitted for a minimum number of pilots as specified by the AFM and the air carrier certificate. Along with the resumes, evidence of training and qualification must be submitted. The following documents are required:
Pilot Resume
Pilot Certificate and Medical
Pilot Training Records and Certificate
Check ride form, if applicable.
Dry Lease Agreement: If the aircraft is owned by a legal entity other than USAC Airways 696 LLC, a copy of the lease agreement with the owner should be submitted to the FAA POI. This document will be reviewed by legal to assure that it is compliant with regulations. The big issue regarding a dry lease agreement is operational control.
The following data should be printed (paper or electronic), dated, and saved as a record of compliance. It should be considered an aircraft record for the period of time that the aircraft is on the air carrier certificate. Maintenance records shall show that the all maintenance and preventive maintenance is up to date. A copy should be submitted to the FAA PMI for review.
Inspections Status: Provide a printout of the current inspection status. A printout from the Maintenance Tracking Software listing the status of each required inspection. Be sure to check the following:
The inspection items from the maintenance manual (or AAIP) have been entered into Maintenance Tracking Software.
There is a corresponding logbook entry for the phase inspections and work associated with life limited components.
Incomplete or inaccurate data must be corrected and will not be acceptable.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Airworthiness Directives: Provide a printout of the recurring airworthiness directives and their status. Airworthiness Directives – An AD list summarizing the AD number, subject, date complied with, and the person signing it off; or, a new set of AD’s signed off. Be sure to check the following:
AD’s are properly signed off and a logbook entry has been made.
AD’s that are due in the future are properly entered into the Maintenance Tracking Software.
Recurring AD’s along with their interval are properly entered into the Maintenance Tracking Software.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Major Alterations and Repairs (FAA Form 337): Provide a list and copy of all the 337’s and STC’s for the aircraft. Be sure to check the following:
Each major alteration has a logbook entry.
Instructions for continued airworthiness are addressed.
Included in the Equipment List.
Addressed in the Weight and Balance, as appropriate.
Associated inspections are included in the Maintenance Tracking Software.
A missing logbook entry is not acceptable.
Incorrect listing in the Equipment List is not acceptable.
Review all 337’s for any “Instructions for Continued Airworthiness” (ICA). If an ICA applies to the aircraft, ensure that the aircraft is in compliance with the limits. Document the method in which compliance will be assured. If the 337 form required a “Field Approval” by the FAA, make sure that the form has been signed as required. A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Equipment List: A current and accurate equipment list must be aboard the aircraft. A copy of the equipment list must be provided in the conformity record. Additions to the equipment list must have an accompanying 337 and logbook entry, as appropriate. The weight and balance must reflect the added equipment. Check specifically for the following:
Each addition to the equipment list has a 337 and logbook entry.
Instructions for continued airworthiness are in the aircraft maintenance manual.
Additional inspections associated with continued airworthiness.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Weight and Balance: A current weight and balance has been performed with a copy in the maintenance records and a copy in the aircraft flight manual kept aboard the aircraft. All previous weight and balance records must be provided. Check specifically for the following:
A current weight and balance is aboard the aircraft and in the maintenance records.
A scale calibration in addition to the following:
Type and serial number of each scale used;
Airplane weight, residual fluids; and
Scale tare weights.
Look on the W&B form to make sure the aircraft was weighed with the calibrated scales.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant. This includes verifying, documenting, tracking, and monitoring the following weights:
Empty weight.
Maximum zero fuel weight.
Maximum structural weight.
Maximum taxi or ramp weight.
Maximum takeoff weight.
Maximum landing weight.
Date of last weighing.
Fire Block Certification Paperwork: Provide the paperwork documenting that the materials used in refurbishing the interior has passed DOT requirements for fire blocking. Be sure the check the following:
The materials used to refurbish the interior has been DOT tested and certified.
There is a logbook entry for each interior change.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Engineering Orders: Provide a copy of any engineering orders associated with maintenance performed on the aircraft.
Life Limited Components: Provide a printout of a summary of life limited components. A printout of the status of all time limited components identified in the manufacturer’s maintenance manual. Be sure to check the following:
There is a time limited component list and the times are current.
A brief statement should be included at the front of this data from the DOM certifying that the data is accurate and CFR compliant.
Time Limits Manual: The life limits that are not in the Aircraft Maintenance Manual are listed in Section 9 of the GMM and in the aircraft Time Limits Manual, as appropriate, and is approved separately.
Special Emphasis Items: A review of the maintenance records to determine compliance with the appropriate sections of CFR 91 (paragraphs 403, 405, 407, 409, 411, 413, and 417).
Bridging document and the Maintenance Tracking Software that includes work cards, time limits, etc.
The MRB and MPD for the aircraft, if applicable.
List of passenger accommodations for the interior.
Additional diagrams that might include location of emergency equipment, if not on LOPA.
Skin mapping and repair assessment, if applicable.
Records required by CFR 135.439.
Flight Attendant Operations Manual, if applicable.
Review the placards and check all serial numbers. The passenger briefing cards, required manuals, life preservers, life raft, flares, first aid kit, and other required items must be aboard. The most common problems are missing items or items with an expired due date. Make sure that a scale is aboard with a calibration sticker, which is necessary to weight baggage that is expected to be over the average standard weight for a heavy bag.
Briefing CardsM: Note that there are specific requirements for briefing cards to include emergency equipment and instructions for selection and operation regarding emergency row seating and exits. There must be one briefing card for each seat. See AC 121-24C, Appendix 3.
Life Preservers: Each life preserver must be Type II, one for each seat. Identify the maintenance document that outlines how they will be maintained. This information may be needed for the operations specifications.
A brief statement should be included in this section from the DOM certifying that all placards are properly installed and all serial numbers are correct. It should include a certifying statement that the passenger briefing cards, required manuals, life preservers, life rafts, flares, first aid kit, and other required items, as applicable, are aboard.
A certifying statement from the DOM should indicate that the following items have been examined and are assured to be aboard the aircraft.
Aircraft Documents: Provide a copy of the following items as a part of the conformity record. The following items must be aboard and accessible:
Airworthiness Certificate
Radio Station License
Operating Limitations
Type Certificate
Weight and Balance.
u>Aircraft Forms, Permits, and Certificates:
Aircraft Inspection Status
Aircraft Maintenance Log
Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection
Certificate(s) of Insurance
Customs Bond
Over-Flight Permits
Confirmation of Stage 3 Noise Requirements
Flight Logs for Engine MSRP Program.
Manuals: The following manuals should be on board the aircraft (see also EFB section of the GOM):
Airplane Flight Manual
Should assure that the AFM is up to date with the latest revision from the manufacturer.
Include manuals or Operator’s Guides for GPS, FMO, or other installed equipment, as applicable.
The AFM must contain all the supplements appropriate for the equipment installed on the aircraft. A review of all 337 forms is useful for this task.
Company Operations Book
Air Carrier Certificate (Domestic and Foreign)
Foreign Operating Certificates and Licenses
General Operations Manual
International and RVSM Operations Manual
Operations Specifications
Minimum Equipment List
Hold Over Tables
North Atlantic MNPS Operations, as applicable
General Maintenance Manual
Avionics Manual (for each installed equipment)
Survival Manual (for arctic and certain other areas).
Scale: A scale suitable for weighing passengers and cargo should be aboard the aircraft. The accuracy of the scale should be determined and recorded on the scale. The date that the accuracy should again be determined should be maintained in one of the Maintenance Tracking Software. Check specifically for the following:
A scale is aboard with a current calibration sticker for weighing passengers.
A scale is aboard with a current calibration sticker for weighing cargo.
A certifying statement from the DOM should indicate that the following items have been examined and are assured to be accurate and complete.
Placards: Verify that all the required placards are properly affixed to the aircraft. Examine the following: Placard section in the AFM or Aircraft Maintenance Manual. Placards on the aircraft.
Serial Numbers: Check all serial numbers to verify that the equipment and parts installed on the aircraft match the model and serial numbers listed in the maintenance records. Examine the following: Serial numbers for equipment, parts, and appliances. Line or fuselage number. Date of manufacture.
A certifying statement from the DOM should indicate that the following items have been examined and are assured to be accurate and complete.
Traffic Collision Alert System (TCAS): TCAS is required for aircraft with more than 9 seats.
Data Plate: Ensure that the aircraft has a data plate installed showing a minimum of the make, model, and serial number of the aircraft.
Certificate Number: The company name or certificate number must be located somewhere on the aircraft that is visible by customers and/or passengers.