Air Carrier Certification

President and Managers


Must Exercise Operational Control
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Provide guidance to all personnel.
Make final decisions on hiring and firing of all personnel.
Know the company’s manuals
Know applicable regulations and laws.
Assure all flights are regulatory compliant.
Provide adequate personnel and resources.
Assure compliance with duty time and rest requirements.
Obtain necessary international clearances, as applicable.
Manage the Drug and Alcohol program as required by the FAA.

Director of Operations
Must Have Knowledge and Experience
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Act on behalf of the President in his absence.
Assume the duties of the Chief Pilot in his absence.
Assure training programs are are compliant and implemented.
Assure that flight crews are properly trained and equipped.
Assist Chief Pilot as necessary in crew training.
Responsible for the entire scope of the flight department.
    ◉ Manage operations, maintenance, sales, and customer service.
    ◉ Coordinate the flight department’s activities with customers.
Implement and exercise operational control:
    ◉ Assure Company aircraft operated safely and are regulatory compliant.
    ◉ Assure all personnel have access to appropriate manuals.
    ◉ Manage the MEL (Minimum Equipment List) Program.
    ◉ Supervise the Chief Pilot and other employees.
    ◉ Schedule aircraft flights and assure compliance with inspections.
Exercise authority to act for the Certificate holder:
    ◉ Revise and submit to the FAA all manuals and manual revisions.
    ◉ Communicate with the DOT and NTSB.
    ◉ Sign FAA correspondence and Operations Specifications.
    ◉ Report accidents and incidents per Company procedures.
Involvement with employment:
    ◉ Hire and fire personnel.
    ◉ Participate in merit review and compensation of employees.
    ◉ Manage key personnel related to flight operations.
Implementation the FAA approved anti-drug and alcohol program.
Coordinate with the Director of Maintenance on:
    ◉ Policies regarding Company aircraft maintenance standards and procedures.
    ◉ The timely correction of mechanical irregularities and discrepancies.
Conduct Company ground and emergency training in accordance.
Establishe, monitor, and maintain Company files and pilot records.
Implement corporate policies and directives.

Chief Pilot
Must Have Knowledge and Experience
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Schedule appropriate training.
Assure all training is completed and recorded.
Maintain a status of all crew members to include:
    ◉ Recurrent check rides, ground school and medical status.
Schedule crews for all flights insuring the crews are current and qualified.
Assure duty day, flight time and rest periods are regulatory compliant.
Act on behalf of the Director of Operations in his absence.
Keep crew member records member to include training, currency, and medicals.
Assure trip report books are complete and ready for crew at departure.
Coordinate with the DOM to ensure all current forms are aboard the aircraft.
Assure the proper and adequate information is made available to each crew member.
Exercise operational control in concert with the Director of Operations:
    ◉ Schedule, assign, and dispatche Company aircraft and crewmembers.
    ◉ Assign Captain duties.
    ◉ Supervise flight crew personnel.
    ◉ Conduct or supervise all training activities of flight crew personnel.
    ◉ All flight duty assignments are in accordance with FAR 135.95.
Involvement with employment:
    ◉ Assess pilot qualifications and assists in hiring and firing.
    ◉ Participate in merit review and compensation of employees.
    ◉ Direct key personnel related to flight operations.
Coordinate international procedures, permits, licenses and flights are regulatory compliant.
Maintain current operational flight data:
    ◉ Disseminate charts, manuals, NOTAMS, and other information to crewmembers.
    ◉ Disseminate Company policies and regulations to crewmembers.
    ◉ Keep the aircraft copies of this GOM and other required documents current.
    ◉ Assure the current weight and balance data is aboard.
Maintain required crewmember files and records.
    ◉ Assure that all crewmembers are certified and supervised according to the FAR’s.
    ◉ Maintain proficiency records, pilot files, flight schedules, and duty time records.
    ◉ Prepare reports and correspondence pertaining to flight operations activities.
    ◉ Submit all reports regarding flight personnel to the Director of Operations.
    ◉ Maintain training records.
Assist the Director of Operations:
    ◉ Formulate operations policies.
    ◉ Prepare and manage revisions of the GOM, Ops Specs, and Training Manuals.
    ◉ Accident and incident reporting.
Conduct Company flight, ground, and emergency training and testing.
Maintain proficiency as Pilot-in-Command.

Director of Maintenance
Must Have Knowledge and Experience
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Responsible for the airworthiness of all Company aircraft.
Assist, supervise, train and direct all personnel assigned to the maintenance department.
    ◉ Provide initial and recurrent training to maintenance personnel.
    ◉ Maintain maintenance training records.
    ◉ Assure all maintenance personnel have completed drug and alcohol training.
    ◉ Assure that maintenance personnel have the appropriate training, certificates, tools, and facilities.
    ◉ Assure compliance with Company procedures and FAA regulations.
    ◉ Hire and terminate maintenance personnel.
Exercise Operational Control
    ◉ Suspend operation of the aircraft in concert with crewmembers and management personnel
    ◉ Return an aircraft to service.
    ◉ Aircraft operations shall be suspended when aircraft airworthiness is in doubt.
    ◉ Maintain appropriate maintenance records.
Drug and Alcohol Misuse Program: Assure compliance with FAA and DOT requirements.
    ◉ Assure compliance with the drug and alcohol program.
    ◉ Complete the Company’s approved drug and alcohol training for supervisors.
    ◉ Adhere to the Company’s FAA approved drug and alcohol program.
Assure Aircraft Airworthiness
    ◉ Assure maintenance conforms to CFR 135 at all times.
    ◉ Have defects repaired as per CFR part 43.
    ◉ Maintain the Aircraft Inspection Status sheet aboard the aircraft.
    ◉ Keep Maintenance Tracking Software current and accurate.
    ◉ Assure that no time limits are exceeded.
Aircraft Maintenance:
    ◉ Assure compliance with applicable CFR’s, AD's, ops specs.
    ◉ Shall all aircraft are reweighed as directed by CFR 135.185.
    ◉ Coordinate maintenance scheduling with the Director of Operations.
    ◉ Assure that no time limit is exceed and required maintenance is performed.
    ◉ Shall maintenance is performed by certified and qualified personnel.
    ◉ Schedule and track routine maintenance
    ◉ Schedule and track time limited component changes and unscheduled maintenance.
    ◉ Assure maintenance records are completed prior to due dates.
    ◉ Assure parts and or components are ordered and received on time.
    ◉ Initiate requisitions for stock and material required.
    ◉ Manage the Continuing Analysis and Surveillance System.
    ◉ Assure all equipment and tools are in serviceable condition.
    ◉ Review service bulletins, service letters, AD’s for applicability.
    ◉ Make overhaul manuals, service bulletins, airworthiness directives available.
    ◉ Revise and distribute Time Limits data, as appropriate.
    ◉ Schedule a flight check as required.
    ◉ Maintain calibration records for precision tools and test equipment.
    ◉ Assure tools and equipment are calibrated within the calibration interval.
Mechanical Irregularities (reported by the flight crew):
    ◉ Review the flight records to ensure all discrepancies are properly addressed.
    ◉ Assure the maintenance write-ups are properly completed and addressed.
    ◉ Adhere to the above aircraft maintenance procedures.
Responsible for conducting all conformity inspections of aircraft.
Assure contract maintenance is compliant with the GMM procedures.
    ◉ Ensure the contracting agent has the capability of performing the maintenance.
        ❍ Certified repair station with an air agency certificate and ops specs; or,
        ❍ An individual with appropriate certificates, ratings, training, and drug program.
    ◉ Provide aircraft maintenance manuals and Company procedures.
    ◉ Ensure compliance with Company maintenance procedures.
    ◉ Ensure that the contracting agent has the appropriate tools and facilities.
    ◉ Ensure that FAA approved parts are used.
    ◉ Assure that required FAA approved technical data is available.
    ◉ Ensure the aircraft was properly returned to service.
Minimum Equipment List: Prepare and maintain the following manuals and records:
    ◉ Create and revise, as needed, the MEL.
    ◉ Create and revise, as needed, the NEF.
    ◉ Prepare and maintain the MEL Extension Form. Form)
    ◉ Collaborate with the flight crew to assure that inoperative items are properly addressed.
Maintain maintenance procedures and Ops Specs and any manual revisions.
    ◉ General Maintenance Manual.
    ◉ Operations Specifications section D and E (authorized to sign these ops specs).
    ◉ General Operations Manual (maintenance sections).
Weight and Balance: Manage the weight and balance program for each aircraft.
    ◉ Weight the aircraft every three years according to approved procedures.
    ◉ Assure the weight and balance is properly documented and recorded.
    ◉ Assure weight and balance documentation is aboard each aircraft.
    ◉ Assure weight and balance data has been distributed to flight operations.
    ◉ FAA – Communicate with CHDO PMI.
    ◉ Flight Operations – Maintains a working relationship with flight operations personnel.
Special Reports: When required, prepare the following:
    ◉ Service Difficulty Reports [CFR 135.415]
    ◉ Mechanical Interruption Summary Reports [CFR 135.417]
    ◉ Additional Maintenance Requirements [CFR 135.421]
    ◉ As appropriate, maintain the following:
        ❍ Any required or desired audits of maintenance facilities.
        ❍ Any required or desired self-audits.
        ❍ Initiate and manage Short Term Escalations.
        ❍ Surveillance and/or improvement programs.

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